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Welcome! This blog was originally designed to share our experiences, our love for discovery and our vision of the world as a precious wonder. Its evolution has brought us here, where travel further targets the individual as an entity of endless potential. In a small way, we intend to inspire and indulge those who have not yet had the footing to find their inner self or pursue their deeper dreams. In what ways can you fall into the unthinkable, the purely imaginative, or the daring unknown?



It was a fall downwards that landed us upright, quite literally. But that is for another conversation, preferably over a beer. How lucky we felt to realize suddenly the rawness of life, and through this, the simplicity of it. There is nothing we cannot imagine that we cannot accomplish. We take our careers seriously, and our pleasures equally so. We optimize the time that we have, because time itself will not wait for us to catch up.  

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Jamie Perin

An industrial designer filled with curiosity and ambition. She obsesses over her work as much she does about her next adventure. She's a perfect blend of an outdoor junkie, triathlete,  and a dancing city girl. Chocolate and shoes fill her heart, along with anything that is gold.  

Jamie Elsewhere:



Katherine McCarty

A chiropractor by day, and a writer by night. She is an avid open-water swimmer, and considers there to be nothing better in this world than a pot of tea next to a stack of books. Her weaknesses include overindulging in cheese and love stories, naturally. 

"And then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the Daffodils."  

Kathy Elsewhere:

