Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

The Adventure that Started Every Adventure to Come

The Adventure that Started Every Adventure to Come

Two years ago this week, and quite possibly to the day, we spent our carefree days in Austria, particularly in the town Bregenz. Our friend Philip housed us, and drove us around the rolling hills of his town home. Here we stopped for incredible meat and cheese platters, danced on hillsides singing songs from the Sound of Music, and rode bikes along Lake Constance. With the floating opera house, the beachy bars, and elderflower juice, we fell in love with Austria. The hills were truly alive with music, as the cow bells were heard at every hike and every altitude. It was a place we could drink from the mountain, and make tea from neighborhood flowers. Its quaintness was untouched by the modern lifestyles that infused the neighborhoods, and though it has been two years, I can still sense the beauty of its winds, its smells, its cobbled streets, and its chiming hillsides.

Not far from this place of beauty is where a large turning point happened in our lives. We discovered something very important to all that we hold dear, and that moment forever changed the course we are now on. The sight of Jamie falling off a cliffside is still a scene I can easily replay, and often do. It guides our thoughts as well as our subconscious, and we will never rest unless we have lived our days to their fullest. If it wasn't for Austria, we wouldn't have backpacked Southeast Asia, and we probably wouldn't be in San Francisco now. It paces us, and reminds us to take in all that we can, while we still can. Every night I get to lay next to the person I love, and everyday I get to work towards new adventures for us both.  Remember how insanely short life can be. So hold your loved one extra close today and tackle whatever feat you've been wanting to accomplish. The time really is right now, this very moment :)

Jamie still regrets her GoPro did not fall down with her, or accompany her as she dangled from an emergency helicopter over the Austrian Alps. I guess sometimes you don't get to chose what is captured by sight only, and we are the better for it. However, that would've been really cool to see!

More to come of our Austria Trip!


Hallstatt: a Perfect Brigadoon

Hallstatt: a Perfect Brigadoon

Our Escape From Alcatraz

Our Escape From Alcatraz