Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Tahoe With Megyn

Tahoe With Megyn

I never thought the day would come when I got to hike the Sierra mountains with my dearest cousin, my Cinderella, my baby-powder dance partner, and my blood sister. Yes, Megyn came to visit. It was a week worthy of our friendship, and we got to chill by the cool waters of Tahoe, hike to the pace of Boo Radley, and waltz amongst the dusty stone mountains of pine and boulders. Being in Tahoe was on our list this summer, and Megyn our greatest excuse.

Our first hike was a short taste of the beauty this area holds. Boo could only do so much, and the heat was making the ground too hot. She got a ride back down the mountain between Jamie and I, though we got to enjoy the smell of the great outdoors - just the icing to the cake. We shortly after went to Sands Harbor, where we somewhat successfully climbed rocks, watched baby ducks in the shallow waters, and jumped into the icy depths of the Lake. Luckily Megyn did not join in on the jumping, as she was responsible assisting us in the getting-outting. For the remainder of our time we laid on the hot rocks, and allowed the warmth of the sun to dry us. That night we discovered nearby candy shops, pizza joints, and new IPAs.

The next day we went into the mountain, seeing the morning sun rising over the peaks just enough to make them look mystical. We sat on rocks and enjoyed waterfalls, and I cannot really remember what we talked about. Probably about life, music, business, and dreams. It makes me happy to know we are still in this phase in life, to be able to talk of these things still. I can say that Megyn has been there for all those talks - whether it is at Christmas time or summer, or after high school or college. I was thankful to have her with us as we walked about Tahoe, marking another moment in our lives with exciting anticipation.

Leaving Tahoe only meant discovering the city the next day. And what a lovely time we had, eating luxuriously, scooting around the city, meeting in Little Italy, and watching “9 to 5” in the late hours. Come again soon, Meg!

To Monterey With Love

To Monterey With Love

The Betrothed

The Betrothed