Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Red Means Go

Red Means Go

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Greatest Moment: We found an amazing book-shop district (where Kathy found a Harry Potter book in Vietnamese), and ate delicious street-food. We also got to know our wonderful hostess Thu Luu (pseudo-name "Suzy"), who we look forward to a fun friendship! She has promised to take us to eat authentic Vietnamese food, and warns us what it might do to our stomachs.

Worst Moment: Seeing the faces of war and Agent Orange

Lesson Learned: Question that which is familiar around you, be it authority, government, when to cross the street, and whether that water was boiled first! Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it is instrumental in human development!

Cultural Insight: As an American, you are not educated in the viewpoint of the hostility that happened to the people and culture here during and after the Vietnam War/American War, which is important to become familiar with. On another note, we have met many solo travelers and have discovered that this is not only is this a capable place to travel alone, but is overall safe. 

Traveling to Cambodia today!!! We will be back, Ho Chi Minh City!

Phnom What I'm Sayin'?!

Phnom What I'm Sayin'?!

Good Morning, Vietnam!

Good Morning, Vietnam!