Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

At Home in Hue

At Home in Hue

Greatest Moment: The Imperial City was breathtaking. We decided to choose between seeing the Imperial City or the King's Tombs, and while both would've been ideal, we were happy with our choice. There was a calm within the ruined walls and scattered architecture. The color of the walls streaked together, melting oranges into reds and yellows. The flowers painted were chipped and plucked, but the actual gardens bloomed and brought happiness and hope with them. We remember walking through the ornately painted walkways, into a field where a temple sat before the war, and a wild horse grazed through overgrown weeds. It was peaceful, truly in rest.

Worst Moment: Trying Durian! Everyone said we must try it once, and that we will either love it or hate it. We hated it.

Lesson Learned: Culture comes from within. Walking outside the Imperial City gives no insight into what one will expect going through its walls. Walking through the Imperial City, you get a sense of the Vietnamese customs, architecture, and despair.

Cultural Insight: Most of the Imperial City was depleted from the Vietnamese/American War bombing. 10 of the majestic building remain from the original 160 because of the Battle at Hue. What constitutes casualties, in war?

Our time in Hue was relaxing. We truly were running out of energy with the descent through Vietnam, feeling more and more the pull of home that was quickly to become a reality. Travel took its toll. But in Hue, we breathed Vietnam back into our hearts, and that quite beauty is what made the last weeks that much more special. We drank Vietnamese coffee and read, walked the Imperial City, went through the night market, and had the most delicious Pho in Vietnam (and it was with tofu!). Hue was a necessary stop, and for many reasons. It is such a receptive city, open and fragrant. You will find it easy to be at home in Hue.


Timeless Hoi An

Timeless Hoi An

Rice Wine and Unwind

Rice Wine and Unwind