Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

A Stunning, Bunny-ing, Beautiful Holiday

A Stunning, Bunny-ing, Beautiful Holiday

Easter is considered a time of new beginnings and hope, as much as Spring also is. For California, that means rain and colorful landscapes, and as this holiday rounded the corner, we fell in love again with our new beginning out West as we visited Carmel-By-The-Sea (which is now our Easter tradition) and Garrapata Beach. The sights of the coastline brought with them the breath-taking feeling of newness, as if you were reborn into a paradise of greens, reds, and oranges against the movement of white capped blues.

We walked along the cliff side and down to the beach, with such a hillside that made us think of hobbits and shire-folk. At the beach, Boo brought sticks for us to throw, and in return she agreed to pose with bunny ears. A pod of whales came surprisingly close to the shore, and we watched for an hour as they spouted air and flapped both fins and tails. They seemed to be playing along the surface, as their bodies arched and their fins slapped the water. It was incredible, and unbelievably hard to put in words. It felt as though the world was speaking to us, in its own way.

Easter morning brought our little egg hunt and green pancakes, and we spent the day laying together in the grass. It is a new beginning, every day. And we feel so lucky to have such beauty around us and within us.


Beyonce, you were it for me

Beyonce, you were it for me

A Weekend of Coastal Hiking, Biking, and Boo

A Weekend of Coastal Hiking, Biking, and Boo