Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Beyonce, you were it for me

Beyonce, you were it for me

BEYCHELLA is a thing. You may have heard of it on the radio or your favorite weekly talk show - but Coachella has been officially set to new standards. Beyonce was all that Beyonce was, and what we anticipate she will be. She was strong, beautiful, and a freaking amazing performer.

We entered the Coachella grounds not really know what to expect, and left with the same uncertainty. It cannot be categorized as solely Indie Rock or Mainstream, because it is both of those and yet not. Beyonce brought a stage performance of glitter, fire, ballet, Destiny's Child, and pounding drums, while First Aid Kit spoke politically of the #MeToo movement. Tash Saltana embodied all genders as much as all instruments, while Alison Wonderland transported us from the stage to the cascading stars of the universe. Eminem amazed us with rap history as his tongue tied us in a bobbing rhythm, and LP's voice immersed the soles of our feet into the dry desert dirt. Some of these names you all know well, while others you may not. Coachella is so wide in talents and in music styles, not to mention fashion, that we struggle to know what it was and what it is now.

Not many photos were taken, as we had one battery to last us the whole weekend. We had no way to plug in our phone (as we did not care to waste time at charging stations), as we could only think of survival from the sun. Our days at Coachella passed in the shade, and although we camped, we are far from camping like pros when it comes to the desert. We rolled desperately out of our tent when the sun sat in the sky in its 9am leisure. Too hot to get ready for the day already, and no shade to sit and wait. We curled up under a neighbors tent until the time came for the music, and the day began in its languid way. The music was your caffeine, and the sound system your hydration. It wasn't always easy, but it was worth every minute!

Enjoy the music and the mastery, because that is what Coachella was for us. Unless you are Jamie, then it was Beychella.


Where the magic lives

Where the magic lives

A Stunning, Bunny-ing, Beautiful Holiday

A Stunning, Bunny-ing, Beautiful Holiday