Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

The Truth of Christmas 2021

The Truth of Christmas 2021

This Christmas was a repeat of our traditions, and in a Pandemic, we are so thankful for it. Yet it was also a first for many things - notably, the first Christmas without Boo Radley and without Kathy’s grandpas.

In California, Boo would come with us to most things. We would wheel her around in her cart at the tree farm, and take her out to choose the last two trees we gravitated towards. This year, we still took her with us everywhere, and mused on what she would be doing. Especially once the tree was up, and Sia came on the radio, she would jump at us as we danced, trying to bring us a multitude of toys.

With loss comes remembrance - and that is a beautiful thing. We missed her, yet we celebrated her. And the season came with as much joy and as much festivities as we hoped it would! Friends and family made the season wonderful. Teddy and Lilly picked their tree with us at the Alhambre Tree Farm, and Bould Design hosted a glamorous Black and White tie formal event. During our own holiday party, many people came over with cookies, egg nog, and scones, while I prepared the Christmas pudding and mulled wine. We played poppers, set the pudding on fire, and watched How The Grinch Stole Christmas - Jamie’s favorite movie.

For my birthday, we ice skated at Union Square and had high tea at the Palace Hotel, and the night before we both left for Ohio, we went to the Fairmont to see the gigantic gingerbread house. We also produced our very own Christmas song - a silly spin off of Lizzo’s “Truth Hurts,” which we called “Sant’a Truth.”

Oh, yes. You heard correct. We spent many nights coming up with its lyrics, and many more going over to our friend Scott’s home to record it. Jo also met up with us, and sang the background vocals. It was our first attempt rapping, and I honored it by making hot chocolate with Baileys.

At the start of the season, we did a Christmas Candlelight tour in Solvang, a town we are consistently going to for holiday fun. This Danish town goes all out for Christmas, and we love to see it all lit up. We successfully hit all the bakeries, and sausage garden, and rolled from Solvang back to San Francisco.

The holiday season closed with our visit to Ohio, which was everything it needed to be. Family time, traditions galore, and I got to meet new baby Colin while cuddling with my nephew Conor. Between helping to feed the babe, rocking him to sleep, and wrestling with Conor’s cuteness, I was in Auntie Heaven. At the Perin’s house, we strolled through Christmas lights at the Cleveland Zoo with Darlene and her Family, and also met our Euchre match against Jane and Jim, and faced deafening defeat beside a roaring fire. We will never live it down, as they are now the reigning champions.

It truly was a year to be thankful for all that are in our lives, and we a part of theirs.

You can the full song, Santa’s Truth, here on soundcloud. Enjoy!

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