Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Where the magic lives

Where the magic lives

There is an immense hub of imagination in Orlando, Florida that brings us back year after year, no matter where we are in the world or how much Time tacks on to our age. Disney World will forever hold a person's youth at the forefront of their lives, and we love Disney dearly for that. Yes, it is expensive, over-run by strollers and Mickey ear headbands, and the lines can by hours long. But, go there enough, and learn how to enjoy the magic in the air, get to the rides later, maneuver between the ears and strollers, and invest in the bliss of raw imagination. Where anything is possible, and every creative idea is a sketch away.

Magic Kingdom is our go-to, but this year we discovered Animal Kingdom and the new Avatar land, Pandora. It was so neat to walk around the parks at night, and see the luminescent plants come to life. On our third day, we popped on over the Harry Potter world, where magic took an unexpected turn.

We are thankful to have the stars align, because align they did! Our friends April and Dan came to see us at Harry Potter World, where we also incidentally met up with our cousins Meredith and Tyler! It didn't get better than that - to share Butterbeer and Diagon Alley with newbies! The day ended with a light show on the castle as we sat beside it, drinking frozen butterbeer. Pumpkin juice chilled in our bags and souvenirs hung from our arms. It was perfect, because is was magic.

We have been going to Disney World and Universal since we were dating for only two years. Now it has been nine years, we look to Disney as our fountain of youth - a location that will always draw us back.


Magic Kingdom... 

Animal Kingdom... 

Harry Potter World

When Yosemite Falls, Nature Calls

When Yosemite Falls, Nature Calls

Beyonce, you were it for me

Beyonce, you were it for me