Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Galapagos Islands Through Our Lens

Without further ado, here are the two weeks of traveling the Galapagos compacted into 8 minutes of footage. Our trip was truly amazing and humbling, an experience we would both call our most memorable. The Galapagos is a very special place, not just for its biodiversity or scientific significance, but also in the harmony found within the people and animals. We are so grateful to have walked these lands and swam it’s waters. We are also very grateful for not only the animals we met, but also the people :) A special thanks to a our amazing guides, Cathy, Viviana and Marcel, who made every moment excitingly informative and genuinely unique.

Though our trip has ended, we feel a sense of change within us. We’ve grown a little in our own way.

“We believe that exploration is at the heart of humanity. And we believe that every human deserves the right to explore their world, seek new experiences and gain new perspectives. In these divided times, we call on us all to use the spirit of exploration to bring us closer to one another. To connect to others who may not look like us, to seek out experiences that are different than ours, to have the courage to understand others’ values. For it is through this curiosity and courage that we grow and learn and gain empathy for others. And it is this spirit of exploration that we believe has the power to move us forward.”  - The North Face

Christmas in San Francisco, What a lovely Place to Be

Christmas in San Francisco, What a lovely Place to Be

Colors, Culture, and Cayambe

Colors, Culture, and Cayambe