Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

The puritans and the plague:  Halloween 2020

The puritans and the plague: Halloween 2020

Better late than never…

Visiting Maine to see Benjamin and Alison was everything I hoped it would be — nights by the fireside, pumpkin spice liquor, Young Frankenstein, and a chance to hold my best friend’s hand as we walked the streets of Salem. Even in the time of our modern day Plague, we were able to celebrate All Hallows Eve by indulging in neighborhood walks amongst homes built during 17th century New England, all while eating pumpkin ice cream.

Puritan homes are gorgeous and, to be frank, creepy by nature. All one needs to do is walk around Salem to feel the strict, unyielding fortitude of the past that is in the character of the architecture. The history of the witch trials brings a ghostly presence to the streets in the same way the Coliseum does its stoney walls. And of course, there is the cinematic joy of standing outside doors that are pictured in childhood movies. While we were unable to visit inside many places, it was a trip we are eager to repeat.

During our discovery of Portland, Maine, Jamie indulged in lobster at every opportunity. Alison guided her through her first steamed lobster, while Ben and I ran out for pizza. We carved pumpkins and took morning hikes in the vibrant fall foliage, out to lighthouses and ruins. It was such a joy to see their life, and I was struck by Maine’s colonial beauty.

Once back in California, Mom and Bill made a small stop after meeting their newest grandson in San Diego. Their stay was so wonderful, and we not only celebrated Bill’s birthday, but we celebrated Halloween with a day trip to Half Moon Bay. We went in search of more pumpkins, and Jamie and I took to the maze as Mom and Bill watched trick-or-treaters bounce about the pumpkin patch.

A Magically Modified Christmas

A Magically Modified Christmas

The Inferno 2020

The Inferno 2020