Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

Tahoe, We Meet Again.

Tahoe, We Meet Again.

Almost a year ago, Jamie fractured her wrist snowboarding at Northstar Resort in Tahoe. We went back to Tahoe for the first time since, and Mount Rose provided the slopes to test our hopes and fears. Someone once said “it is healthy to fear the mountain to some degree,” and we tend to understand it when snowboarding weekends arrive at our doorstep. Mina and Siavash also joined us — they proved themselves worthy companions in the desert, now we must test them at a new altitude. They have snowboarded once in their lifetime, so needless to say they would go our pace.

Tahoe provided a wintery dreamland of white hillsides and laden down tree branches with all of its recent snow. The sun rays made the groomed trails sparkle, and even though we were equipped with butt pads and wrist guards, I am happy to say Jamie and I spent an entire day on the mountains with minimal falls. Mina and Siavash did wonderful — and though Mina afterward looked like she sustained bruises from a boxing match, she fell with grace and Siavash with beauty.

At night Jamie cooked her famous steak (now Siavash’s greatest steak experience), along with creamed cauliflower and grilled asparagus. We ate to the crackle of burning logs from the fireplace, our second most favorite thing to do in Tahoe. Lemon cannot quite determine if she likes Tahoe yet, as she does not like snow. So stay tuned for her opinion.

Bould and Its Glamping Trip

Bould and Its Glamping Trip

Once Upon A Time in Page, AZ

Once Upon A Time in Page, AZ