Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

 Our day in Monterey, by the bay, what do you say?

Our day in Monterey, by the bay, what do you say?

I believe anyone who knows me, knows my absolute obsession with both of my brothers, John and Scott. It is lucky then, that one pioneered the West before Jamie and I did. With Scott in San Diego, the adventures to be had with him will be endless. They started last year when we rode cable cars around San Francisco, and just the other week they progressed onto the shores of Monterey. 

Monterey Aquarium was our first stop. It had amazing shows of sardines swirling, otters playing, and luminescent jellies. The octopusand squid exhibit was by far our favorite, as their suckers and our hands were separated by glass. It was a beautiful aquarium, built into the coast line. The architecture sets you in awe as well. It was built into the coast line and designed around the exhibits. It won the 25 year AIA (American Institute of Architecture) award for its genius. Everywhere you walked you saw the open ocean in front of you, and the current came into a watery theater where they do scuba events.

We left the aquarium and drove to Point Lobos. We were unprepared for how beautiful it was there. The cove at China beach had waters that were so green and so blue that they looked like painted swirls in blown glass. The jutting rocks, nesting birds, and lazy seals watched us as we watched them. Jamie and Scott ran into the icy waves as I kept my feet warm in the white sand.

It was our first taste of the Big Sur shoreline, and luckily it was enough to ensure more visits to the north by my big brother.

A foggy day, In Alaskan Town

A foggy day, In Alaskan Town

A Quintessential German Town

A Quintessential German Town