Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

A Wedding in Brazil

A Wedding in Brazil

Over the course of a two week get-away for Jamie and I, we became Asses In-Laws. This is the true Portuguese translation for Sister In-laws, and our love for Gabi allows us to admit that. This week was in Brazil, and we were surrounded by exotic drinks, beautiful people, and kindness at every I-don’t-know-Portuguese hand motion. It was an adventure in itself to see Gabi and Scott marry one another, and we were not prepared for how much Brazil would take us by storm. It was as if the music from the samba band knew the two-step of our soul, and the local band knew how to tap into our affection. Grandma Hull out danced most people, feeling the music under her bare feet, and Nini bounded to the beat. Mom beautifully blinked under fake eyelashes that each weighed ten pounds each, and Aunt Jo and Uncle Jim were the first to order Caipriinha. Dad drank blue shots and did mini solo moves that wow’d the crowd, and Jamie found rhythm beside me. Scott was heaving from the never-ending music that fractured our senses, and Gabi mouthed the lyrics as if the very essence of Brazil came within earshot of her. We captured what we could of the ceremony and the reception, but the truth is that you cannot capture light in your grasp. It was a weekend for a proper Brazilian welcome, and we all left dazed, dazzled, and still slightly drunk.

We are fortunate to have Gabi as a sister - and to see Scott find someone that keeps him in check, makes him better, and fulfills that heart that is so big already. Leave it to a strong Brazilian woman to do so!

Welcome to our family, Gabi!!!

Disclaimer: some of these photos are professionally taken from the wedding - we did not have a camera hidden in our dress. A moment can be fleeting, and this we did not want to miss. Also, we apologize for this coming out late — we have just now found the time to catch up with photos!

To Know Norohna

To Know Norohna

Bunny Ears, Beaches, and Bikes Rides in Carmel

Bunny Ears, Beaches, and Bikes Rides in Carmel