Two women on their own continuous adventure, set out to inspire and document it here. 

In a San Diego Way, We Celebrated a Very Special Day

In a San Diego Way, We Celebrated a Very Special Day

From the fun of Halloween in Los Angeles, to the buzzing excitement of Christmas, we pay a *small* homage to a holiday that is unfairly smashed between the two epi-holidays.

Thanksgiving to both of us, is being crammed into small kitchens, at tables lined with copious amounts of foods, feasting besides relatives and friends. But being so far away from home, we missed the stuffy stuffings, and the elbow room the size of a dumpling.  

But luckily for us, family is not scarce on the West coast. We traded in tight, comfortable, and lovely corner rooms of our childhoods for the wild, open, and vastness of the Big Sur. We exchanged burnt biscuits for Julian Pies, and egg nog for ocean side root beer floats. Instead of watching Grandparents cut the turkey, we cut into brazilian cheese bread and acai. While it was not your typical Thanksgiving, San Diego wooed us with its adventure, uniting families that were far from their original homes. Many of us were sending love to Ohio as we sat at La Jolla beach, while others thought of family in Florida as they sat aboard a whale watching tour. And some even sent their love to South America while murdering us all in Monopoly. Our shmorgashborg board Thanksgiving was beautiful.

With a tummy full of jelly, we went to bed prepared for the rest of the weekend. This Thanksgiving, we knew, we would also be thankful for the time we got with April and Dan,  for brother Scott, and for the first thanksgiving hosted by Gabbi. And of course, for California.

We spent a day whale watching, and saw a juvenile humpback whale surface and breathe while it fed around our boat. Dolphins  sped along side our boat, surfing the boat's waves, and weaving in and out of the current. Inspired by such beautiful creatures, we decided to journey to SeaWorld! It was our WHALE-RIFIC day!! There we went to the Christmas town and saw Christmas inspired dolphin shows.

The next day we woke early to hit Pacific Beach, where we geared up and walked our surfboards to the incoming tide. After our rugged adventure, we beautified ourselves and attended Balboa Park's "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", sending us home with hearts full of Whobilation.

Lastly, we journeyed to Potato Chip Rock, which turned out to be a steep and gorgeous hike in San Diego's large, rocky, terrain. The town of Julian filled us with more pie, and we left southern California eager to come back again.


A Capacity to Camp

A Capacity to Camp

A Kill Bill Kind of Halloween

A Kill Bill Kind of Halloween